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Writer's pictureJessica Amy

Why I'm so glad I got a Birth Photographer

I'll admit, when I first told Shaun I wanted to have a birth photographer, he wasn't exactly a fan. He pictured a stranger gawking at my hoo hoo, while trying to push out a baby. I'm sure he imagined pictures of my bodily fluids and private parts framed along our hallway. However, birth photography is so much more than a few vagina pics. After some convincing and educational reading, I was able to convince Shaun that it was a great idea - and really, at the end of the day, it's my Vagina, not his haha.

I had a few reasons for wanting a birth photographer. Firstly, I wanted photos of the experience, but I didn't want Shaun having to stress about taking photos and looking after me at the same time. For those that know me well, know that I love to document EVERYTHING. I don't know what it is, but I love to take photos of every moment. Maybe it's the thought of Kaiden and my future children being able to look at old photos of their mum and dad, grandparents etc, and have a little bit of a history lesson, or maybe it's because I love to look back and reminisce on both the good and learning curve times of my life. We spend so much money on wedding photography, which I totally understand (I adore our wedding photos), but if we can photograph a bride throwing a bouquet, surely photographing a woman giving birth is way more amazing.

Secondly, our friends had a baby earlier last year and regretted not having a birth photographer. Her birth experience had a few complications, and with that, her husband was unable to take as many photos as he would have liked, so they had told me to definitely get one. And thirdly, I was so intrigued with birth and labouring, and I was so excited to go through it all, that I wanted to capture how I was feeling. I wanted to capture the moment my life changed forever. I wanted to capture the moment my body did the most amazing thing it could ever do. I knew Shaun and my mum would be able to experience it firsthand and tell me about the motions, however, I wanted to see it for myself and feel those motions (especially because, as I now know, you forget so much, and some pieces are just a blur).

Don't get me wrong, I had a few judgemental, scared, weird, crazy faces when I told my friends. The common question ' Why would you want to do that?', followed by 'Are you serious?'. But each to their own I guess. After doing some research, I decided to go with 'The First Hello Project' birth photography, and I cannot fault them. River, our birth photographer, was absolutely amazing, and such a genuine, caring person, who became more than just a random photographer. Honestly, I forgot she was even in the room sometimes as she would just hide in the background taking photos. She made me feel comfortable, and she made Shaun and my mum feel comfortable. The First Hello were nothing short of excellent. From the very first email, to the continuity of client care, to the follow up with the photos, I was so happy with my choice. River arrived at the hospital at around 11:00pm (but that could be very wrong as I my only idea of time while labouring is that each hour felt like forever haha), and then stayed to after Kaiden was weighed and passed to Shaun.

I am so glad that I decided to have a birth photographer. It is one of the best decisions I have made. That night is definitely a blur, and I still find myself asking Shaun questions about what happened. Looking back at photos of me labouring, of giving birth to Kaiden, the moment I held him for the first time, and then our first family photos together, just takes me back to that time. Yes, I do have photos of Kaiden entering the world, but it is nothing like people imagined. There are a few photos of my bum, but hey, in comparison to what young girls and women put on their instagram pages 'for likes' these days, my photos are 'G' rated. I love my photos, and I love seeing that raw emotion on my face and in the room. I am not embarrassed by them, I embrace them. They remind me of what I did that night. I'm always eager to show my friends, and share my experience. With me not having the best experience after birth - tearing an artery, emergency surgery etc- these photos made me feel better. I felt like I conquered the world, so why should I not capture that?

As much as I love Shaun, there is no way he could have taken the photos I now have, and he knows it. The only regret I now have is, I should have got Kaiden's birth filmed as well (next time hehe). If I can give couples one piece of advice it would be to get yourself a birth photographer! You will not regret it. It is so much more than vaginas, blood and unflattering photos of your tired and sweaty self. The photos provide memories, they provide happiness and they provide your purpose. They are photos of YOUR body, the umbilical cord that was inside of YOU, YOUR strength, the placenta that fed YOUR baby. You are giving birth to another human being, and if that's not worth capturing, than I don't know what is.

Sending love always,

Jessica xxx

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