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Writer's pictureJessica Amy

Five glorious things you need to know after giving birth

It doesn't matter how many articles you read, or how many videos you watch, I don't think anything prepares you for what will happen to your body after giving birth. It's definitely a very unique experience, that's both challenging and overwhelming. So many things have surprised me since having Kaiden, but there are five things that I feel are important to know once that baby comes out. FYI I'm not afraid of detail ...

Labour pains

1. There will be blood and lots of it. I knew there would be blood and all types of fluids coming out, however, I don't think I realised how much blood there would be. It's like 9 months worth of your menstrual cycle saying hello all at once. It was literally like a crime scene beneath my legs. I gave birth to Kaiden standing up so there were large pads ('Blueys' as the nurses call them), placed across the floor, and yet they still didn't protect the whole ground. I remember holding Kaiden in my arms as I was trying to then get to the bed and almost slipped on my own blood and fluid which was on the floor. Ahhh the joys. If you haven't already heard; childbirth means your dignity is gone.

Your new best friend.

So stock up on those maternity pads and disposable underwear because you are going to need it girl. Say goodbye to your bright coloured, bikini looking, sexy underwear, because you just graduated to grandma undies. Yes, I'm talking about the hightop ones, with little to no elastic, that would even make Jennifer Anniston look unattractive. But hey, for a pack of three for $5.00, they do a great job for a small price. They make you feel secure, and with them being pretty loose, they don't put any pressure on the areas. Shaun says I can't wear them anymore though haha. Shame. Speaking of vaginas, you will be swollen. The downstairs area will be swollen, sore and look very different than it's usual appearance. But it's allowed to; it literally just pushed out a human being. So pack some ice backs down there and with time the swelling will go down. Between the blood and swollen labia, your vagina will literally feel like it's been torn a part (unfortunately maybe it has), but it will heal, so don't panic.




A few hours after Kaiden was born.

2. Hair loss! I actually had no idea about this until it started happening. No one ever told me how bad it was. I literally have chunks of hair coming from my head, and it is EVERYWHERE. Every day I find strands of hair on the bathroom tiles, in the sink, in the shower, in Kaiden's hands, on Kaiden's clothes, and pretty much on any piece of furniture or object I have made contact with. I'm like a dog during moulting season. Apparently when the baby hairs grow back it's even worse! Give me strength.




3. More contractions! Your uterus needs to contract back to it's original size, and you will feel that little beauty! After giving birth to Kaiden, I was having the occasional contraction like cramps, which would become increasingly worse when I would breastfeed. This is because your uterus needs to return to its normal size. When your baby is sucking for milk it triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin, which in turn causes contractions. So no, you're not having another baby.




With my mum, the day Kaiden was born.

4. Your boobs will leak and they will leak A LOT. This doesn't just happen when your boobs are full, it can happen when your baby cries, when you pick them up or just when you're breastfeeding. When I had only just had Kaiden, I would be dripping after a shower. Milk would be literally falling onto the floor. The heat from the shower would trigger them. When you are feeding off one side, the other side automatically starts flowing, and I'm not talking about a few drips here and there, I'm talking about half a bottle's worth. Definitely invest in some breast pads, particularly at the start . As the weeks go on though, your boobs will begin to get into the rhythm of things and the leaking won't be as much.




5. You will never be so scared to do your 'first' poo after giving birth. The urge feels like you are giving birth again, and you will just want to resist. Get onto Movicol or any other stool softener to make the process easier on yourself. You don't want any unnecessary pressure down there, particularly when your vagina is on fire. However, you don't want to take a laxative, and be on the toilet any longer than you need to - no one has time for that with a newborn haha.




One of our first photos together after I had my surgery.

Birth is special. It is unlike any other experience. It's definitely hard, and a female's body is put through a lot in order for that beautiful little being to enter the world, but it is all worth it. My son, Kaiden, is almost 5 months old, and I often forget the initial aftermaths of giving birth (except the hair loss because that just keeps going, sigh). I think most women forget because why would they go back for more? Food for thought.

Sending love always,

xx Jessica

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